Learn, Grow & Live Your Strengths 

A group experience for modern professionals

You love learning about yourself because you know that’s how you can best impact others. 

In fact, you’re probably already a leader in your world. 

You devour personal and professional development books, podcasts, YouTube videos...so of course you know about StrengthsFinder (duh)!

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What would it feel like to:

  • Truly tap into how you most naturally think, feel and behave

  • Unlock your greatest leadership potential with strategies customized just for you

  • Know how to effortlessly leverage your unique strengths (with language!)

  • Manage around your weaknesses with finesse

  • Walk in a renewed confidence with clear direction and hope for the future

  • Be able to remember your Top 5 Strengths without digging around for your results (lol)


This is BEYOND POSSIBLE with my Learn, Grow and Live Your Strengths group experience! I’ll show you how!


“The only way to accurately describe Alisa's skill and passion for coaching is to say that becoming her client is one of the best decisions I've ever made, and it absolutely changed my life for the better. Receiving her coaching gave me the confidence to identify my strengths, recognize my value, and take the leap into a new career. I am so grateful for her impact on my life personally and professionally!”

 Marcella Lopez-Schmidt


Here’s Why I Do This Work!

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I’ve been obsessed with strengths-based development and leadership for over 20 years now. I created Learn, Grow and Live Your Strengths because frankly, it’s a weird time in our world and I’m seeing so many personal and professional development programs out there that are whack (did I just date myself with that word?) and don’t deliver on their ethereal promises. 

In a time of uncertainty, anxiety and loneliness popping up all over the place, the last thing I want for my clients is to lose sight of themselves and the goodness that they can bring to the world.

As a certified evidence-based coach, I’m not here to mess around. The science driving this group experience is rooted in decades of research and development. The Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment has been completed globally by almost 25 million individuals.

And personally, it’s changed my life. 

When I joined the Strengths Revolution, my focus shifted from “what’s wrong with me” to “what’s right with me” and I’ve used the knowledge of my natural talents to continuously grow them into strengths. It informed my educational path, my career choices, my business, and has taught me how to maximize my potential and the potential of others.

Learn, Grow and Live Your Strengths has the power to change your life, too.


Oh, and did I mention it would be FUN?

Each intimate group experience will be filled with fun ways to get to know yourself and others, and includes an optional happy hour at the end of the session where you are free to BYOB and chit chat with other leaders. 


The Learn, Grow and Live Your Strengths group experience is your solution to building on who YOU are, not trying to become somebody else to succeed.


It starts Thursday, February 25 and ends Thursday, April 29.

Your bi-weekly virtual group sessions will be 6:30pm-7:30pm PST*

With an optional Happy Hour 7:30pm - 8:00pm (BYOB)

*if you’d like an East Coast friendly time, get on the waiting list for the next group experience starting 6:30pm EST


Here’s what’s included:

  • Your Personalized Signature Theme Report (Top Five)

  • Your complete sequence of all themes (Clifton Strengths 34)

  • Group zoom sessions every other Thursday with other strengths-based leaders

  • Strengths Insight and Action Planning Guide

  • Lifetime access to The Happy Cactus Club Slack community

  • A 30-min 1:1 Strengths Acceleration Call with me (Alisa) in March

  • Bonus prizes!

Bonus 1: a special gift from me to you delivered to your front door :-)

Bonus 2: since this is the month of love, I’m offering a 10% off discount for you and a loved one (partner, spouse, friend) if you join the group together


After joining the Learn, Grow and Live Your Strengths group experience, you can expect to:

  • Understand how to lead with power and purpose

  • Know exactly what types of activities and opportunities will best serve you NOW

  • Be comfortable sharing with others why you’re so awesome (with talking points and proof points)

  • Gain the ability to transform every moment, every interaction and every day

  • Be fully immersed into a strengths-based community of leaders (and new friends!) dedicated to developing their talents, right alongside you


Are you ready to join the Strengths Revolution and transform your life?

Sign up today for just $1597

 (payment plans available upon request)


Signing up with a friend, partner or spouse?

Take advantage of my *hearteyes* 10% off discount here.

Got Questions? Email me.

Become happier, more productive, and more fulfilled by investing in your greatest talents in this powerful program.

Invest in yourself today.


“Alisa provided clarity and the tools to get where I want to be at work.That gave me the confidence to have difficult but necessary conversations, that turned out to be not so difficult but extremely beneficial. I'm less worried about the future because I'm practicing things on a daily basis that I believe will help get me exactly where I'm supposed to be.”

 Becky Prettyman, Owner of Prettyman Promos


“I can't even begin to explain the magnitude of success I've had working with Alisa. The Daughter Diaries in one year doubled in outreach and income, all because of the clarity of who I was, who I was speaking to and how I could truly help my clients.”

— Lisa Autry, Founder & CEO, The Daughter Diaries