DAY 4: Present and Future Friendships
Today is DAY 4: Present and Future Friendships (pictured above: me and my former besties)
Ooh, today we’re talking about friendships - my favorite topic! In 2020, I recorded podcast episodes on both Seriously Though and Color Forward on making friends, keeping them, and letting some of them go (so sad when it needs to happen!).
Friends are our lifelines. Studies show you live longer, happier lives when you have friends in your life who root for you, support you, and who experience life with you.
Now that you’ve fully reflected on this past year, we’re going to start thinking about the friendships that are most meaningful to you.
Who are your most important and life-giving friends? These can be childhood friends, work friends, gym friends…heck, some might still be acquaintances that you think should turn into friends.
Day 4: Present and Future Friendships
List 5 of your most important friends.
Choose 1 friend and write why they’re on your list and why they’re important to you. (How long have you known them?What’s great about them?)
If there is one thing I would want them to know or wish I could do for them, it is….
What can you do immediately and in the year ahead to improve your friendships? Identify any changes, improvements, or adjustments you can do to grow or strengthen friendships.
Are there any new or stale friendships you hope to nurture? Write your plan of action...
Bonus: repeat #2-5 for each of your top 5.
They say that what you do isn’t as important as the people you do it with. What are you looking forward to in 2021, and with whom?
Please take some time to think through these. If you’d like me to hold you accountable, you can email me your responses or simply send me a note that says, “done.”
Your friends will be so happy about all this! :-)